9:00 - 16:00

Program Birou: Luni - Vineri

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9:00 - 16:00

Program Birou: Luni - Vineri

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Professional Tips Etichetă

Gociu & Asociatii > Postări etichetate"Professional Tips"


We aim to lead in each practice and area of law we work in. Coming from in-depth understanding of the law and the industry, capitalizing on extensive experience, we provide hands-on advice that speaks the language of our client’s business. Whether in aviation, sales and distribution, antitrust, corporate and M&A, finance, employment, energy, IP, litigation, TMT, real estate, or any other area of law, our clients can expect excellence and commitment to their objectives. Ensuring the operational functioning of the organisation, the development of external relations, management of press relations and constant communication with the press....

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Rezumat: Pornind de la existența crizei de pe piața muncii din România, întrucât potrivit angajatorilor, 81% dintre angajatorii din România întâmpină dificultăți în ocuparea posturilor vacante, cauzele fiind reprezentate de numărul insuficient de candidați disponibili pe piață (41%), lipsa de cunoștințe profesionale specifice (22%) și lipsa experienței necesare pentru postul vizat (16%), raportat la majorarea șarjei de angajați străini care pot lucra în România (20 000 în 2019) analizăm pașii necesari angajării unui lucrător non-EU, în România. Cuvinte cheie: lucrător non-EU, șarjă, criza pe piața muncii, angajator, angajat, posturi vacante, aviz de angajare, lucrător permanent. Pasul 1. AVIZUL DE ANGAJARE PENTRU LUCRĂTOR PERMANENT...

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ÎCCJ. Ghidul pentru soluționarea daunelor morale, emis de Fondul de protecție a victimelor străzii, nu reprezintă un criteriu de evaluare a prejudiciului moral

We aim to lead in each practice and area of law we work in. Coming from in-depth understanding of the law and the industry, capitalizing on extensive experience, we provide hands-on advice that speaks the language of our client’s business. Whether in aviation, sales and distribution, antitrust, corporate and M&A, finance, employment, energy, IP, litigation, TMT, real estate, or any other area of law, our clients can expect excellence and commitment to their objectives. Ensuring the operational functioning of the organisation, the development of external relations, management of press relations and constant communication with the press....

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Interviu Adrian Gociu

We aim to lead in each practice and area of law we work in. Coming from in-depth understanding of the law and the industry, capitalizing on extensive experience, we provide hands-on advice that speaks the language of our client’s business. Whether in aviation, sales and distribution, antitrust, corporate and M&A, finance, employment, energy, IP, litigation, TMT, real estate, or any other area of law, our clients can expect excellence and commitment to their objectives. Ensuring the operational functioning of the organisation, the development of external relations, management of press relations and constant communication with the press....

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